Beskydy 2015, 8, 111-122

Notes on Swedish Forest Biogeochemistry – Investigations During 50 Years

Folke O. Andersson

Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, PO Box 7044, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden


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9. Andersson, F. 2015: Cycling of carbon and other elements in a beech forest Hestehave, Jutland, in the past 50 years. Open Journal of Forestry, 5: 296–312. <>
10. Andersson, F., Lundqvist, H. 1989: Research Strategies for long-term Site Productivity. In: /Eds. Dyck, W.J., Mess, C.A./. Proceedings IEA/BE A3 Report, No. 8: 125–137.
11. Andersson, F., Nihlgård, B. 2016: Linnebjer - A South Swedish Forest and Meadow Area revisited after 50 years. Open Journal of Forestry. (In print)
12. Andersson, F., Olsson, B. 1985: Lake Gårdsjön - An Acid Forest Lake and its Catchment. Ecological Bulletins, 37: 336 pp.
13. Coleman, D.C. 1985: Big ecology - The emergence of Ecosystem Science. University of California Press, 236 pp.
14. Persson, T., Nilsson, L.O. 2001: The Skogaby experiment – effects of long-term addition of nitrogen and sulphur to a forest ecosystem. With summary in English. (In Swedish: Skogabyförsöket – Effekter av långvarig kväve-och svaveltillförsel till ett skogsekosystem). Naturvårdsverket Rapport 5173. Stockholm, 220 pp.
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16. Reichle, D.E. 1981: Dynamic Properties of Forest Ecosystems. International Biological Programme 23. Cambridge University Press. 683 pp.
17. SWECON, 1984: Reports and publications. Report 14, Department of Ecology and Environmental Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala. 135 pp.
18. Thamdrup, H.M. 1973: The Danish IBP Woodland Project. In: Modelling Forest Ecosystems. Report of IBP Woodland Workshop, IBP/PT Section, 14-26 August 1972. Oak Ridge Report EDFBIBP 747: 231–250.
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