Author's Declaration
Copyright Transfer Statement 
Instructions for Authors in Beskydy - the Beskids Bulletin
- 1. The reviewed scientific journal Beskydy - The Beskids Bulletin published by Mendel University in Brno continues the "Zpravodaj Beskydy" published in 1988-2007. The journal publishes original scientific papers from the area of the Slovak, Polish and Bohemian Beskids and also original scientific papers from other European mountain regions related to forests and forest management, stability of mountain ecosystems and factors affecting it, soil environment, plant and animal communities and populations, water management, economic aspects etc.
- 2. The papers are presented and published only in English.
- 3. The paper extent should not exceed 12 standard manuscript pages including tables, figures and diagrams (line spacing 1, font 12, Times New Roman, text editor Word).
- 4. Originality, the content balance and the paper language quality are assessed by readers.
- 5. Peer Review Process: All manuscripts within the scope of the journal are reviewed by at least two referees outside autor(s) organisation. The author(s) should carefully consider all suggestions made by the referees and the Editors, and carry out appropriate changes. Major changes presuppose a new review process. The Editors retain the right to modify the style and length of manuscripts, but in cases of major changes the author(s) will be consulted. The first or appointed author will receive a pageproof for approval. Extensive alterations are not allowed at this stage. The first or appointed author will be provided with a free pdf file of the article, traditional reprints may be ordered at the authors' own expense.
- 6. Manuscript layout
Paper title
Brief, pregnant, accurate, factual, intelligible and corresponding to the subject presented) (font 14, boldface).
Names of authors
Without titles, separated by commas (J. Novák1, P. Šimek2) (font 12, boldface). Corresponding author is marked by an asterisk (*) before his/her name.
Addresses of authors
1)Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 3, CZ-613 00 Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail:, 2)Institute of Forest Ecology, SAV, Štúrova 2, SK-960 53 Zvolen, Slovak Republic, (font 12, italic).
At most 25 lines of a text, which briefly describes particularly methods and results of the paper.
At most 7 words or compound words.
Includes the review of literature with an outline of the actual state of the knowledge of problems, research objectives and hypothesis.
Material and Methods
The chapter specifies the field of study with the description of area and site, procedures and methods used to obtain and process the material, instruments and other parameters enabling the replication of trials, taken over methodologies have to be quoted.
The chapter includes exact description of the results achieved with references to tables and figures, statistical evaluation.
Concentrated on the confrontation of the results obtained with existing findings of other authors, attitudes, considerations and hypotheses relating to the results achieved and differences including clearly formulated conclusions following from the results.
Results and Discussion
Can be exceptionally combined if it is required by the confrontation character.
Mentions sources of financial support - grant agencies or other needs to thank for co-operation on the manuscript.
References (cited)
Not-numbered, should include only publications quoted in the text and information sources; the year of publication is given after the author’s name, original papers except papers in world languages have an English equivalent attached in brackets).
- 7. A manuscript prepared formally in compliance with Instructions for Authors in Beskydy - the Beskids Bulletin is submitted to the journal editor's office in electronic form (by e-mail to Subsequently, the author of a paper will ensure the incorporation/integration of remarks of readers as well as formal remarks of the editor's office and will submit the modified manuscript in electronic form (CD or an attachment to e-mail:
- 8. Formal requirements of a manuscript:
The standard one-sided size of a paper (A4 format), 2.5 cm margins on each edge of the page, single spacing, text including legends, titles of figures and tables, appendices and remarks and notices, type size 12 font Times New Roman. Figures (diagrams, photos, schemes) and tables are placed immediately after the first reference of their citation in the text.
Tables: in text Tab. 1, Tab. 2, description of a table: Tab. 1: Table name in italic placed above the table, explanation of abbreviations in a notice below the table.
Figures: in text Fig. 1, Fig. 2, description of figures: Fig 1: Figure name in italic placed below the figure
Tab. 1: The course of mean daily temperatures (°C) and total daily temperatures (mm) at the Podolánky locality (2000-2007).
Fig. 1: A stand damaged by complete defoliation caused by Lymantria monacha L. (photo Novák, 2005).Photos: resolution quality 300 dpi, black and white (exceptionally in colour)
Description of figures and tables (sufficient resolution for black and white print, font Times Roman 9).
Figures and tables are placed into the manuscript text at the same time being provided in Excel or another version making possible to carry out partial technical modifications by the journal editorial staff. We recommend preferring 2D and only exceptionally 3D figures. For lines and description of axes and figures, use font 9. We do not recommend using raster grids and outer frames. For black and white print, we recommend to choose hatching instead of shading.
Examples of citations:
a) Citations in text: Novák 1999, Novák, Čapek 1998, Novák et al. 2000, Novák (2001).
b) Citations of literature sources:
ba) Monographs, books:
LINDQUIST, E.E., SABELIS, M.W., BRUIN, J. 1996: Eriophyid mites. Their biology, natural enemies and control. Elsevier, Oxford, 782 pp.
PFEFFER, A. 1995: Zentral– und westpaläarktische Borken– und Kernkäfer (Coleoptera: Scolytidae, Plytypodidae). Pro Entomologia, c/o Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, 310 pp.
KULA, E. 2007: Motýli porostů náhradních dřevin imisní oblasti Sněžníku [Moths of stands of substitute species in the air–polluted area of Sněžník]. Nakl. Lesnická práce, s.r.o., Kostelec nad Černými lesy, 107 Publications from scientific journals:
NAULT, L.R., STYER, W.E. 1970: Transmission of an Eriophyid–borne wheat pathogen by Aceria tulipae. Phytopathology, 60: 1616-1618.
HRDLIČKA, P. 1993: Content of total nitrogen in the needles of spruce in the Beskids (In Czech) Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 62: 57–64, ISSN 1211–8516.bc) Published reports:
KULA, E. 2005: Role škodlivých biotických faktorů v dynamice zdravotního stavu břízy (Betula pendula Roth) v imisní oblasti. [The role of harmful biotic factors in the dynamics of the health condition of birch (Betula pendula Roth) stands in air–polluted regions] In: KULHAVÝ, J., SKOUPÝ, A., KANTOR, P., SIMON, J. (eds.): Sborník významných výsledků institucionálního výzkumu LDF MZLU v Brně 1999-2004, Lesnická práce s.r.o. Kostelec nad Černými lesy, 239-246.
CHOCT, M., ANNISON, G. 1992: Anti–nutritive effect of wheat pentosans in broilers. In: MULDER, R. (ed.) Proceedings of the 19th World’s Poultry Congress. Amsterdam: World’s Poultry Science Association, Vol. 2, 236– Internet sources:
OWENDE, P.M.O., LYONS, J., WARD, S.M. (eds.) 2002: Operations protocol for eco-efficient wood harvesting on sensitive sites.
LAŠTŮVKA, Z., LIŠKA, J. 2007: Checklist of Lepidoptera of the Czech Republic. (Insecta, Lepidoptera), 39 pp.,
Virginia's Forestry Best Management Practices for Water Quality 2002: Fourth Edition, July 2002. /index-bmp-guide.shtml - 9. Reprints - a publication in PDF format is sent to authors.